Autonomous Driving

Autonomous driving has emerged as a transformative technology, but its deployment is often limited to ideal conditions. Addressing challenges like low light and high dynamic range environments, our research integrates advanced sensory systems and hybrid perception techniques to push the boundaries of perception and control. By combining event cameras with traditional frame-based sensors, we balance temporal resolution, efficiency, and accuracy, reducing latency and computational load while maintaining high performance. This work enables safer and more reliable autonomous driving in complex, real-world scenarios.

GEM: A Generalizable Ego-Vision Multimodal World Model for Fine-Grained Ego-Motion, Object Dynamics, and Scene Composition Control

GEM: A Generalizable Ego-Vision Multimodal World Model for Fine-Grained Ego-Motion, Object Dynamics, and Scene Composition Control

We present GEM, a Generalizable Ego-vision Multimodal world model that predicts future frames using a reference frame, sparse features, human poses, and ego- trajectories. Hence, our model has precise control over object dynamics, ego-agent motion and human poses. GEM generates paired RGB and depth outputs for richer spatial understanding. We introduce autoregressive noise schedules to enable stable long-horizon generations. Our dataset is comprised of 4000+ hours of multimodal data across domains like autonomous driving, egocentric human activities, and drone flights. Pseudo-labels are used to get depth maps, egotrajectories, and human poses. We use a comprehensive evaluation framework, including a new Control of Object Manipulation (COM) metric, to assess controllability. Experiments show GEM excels at generating diverse, controllable scenarios and temporal consistency over long generations.


GEM: A Generalizable Ego-Vision Multimodal World Model for Fine-Grained Ego-Motion, Object Dynamics, and Scene Composition Control

Mariam Hassan, Sebastian Stapf, Ahmad Rahimi, Pedro M B Rezende, Yasaman Haghighi, David Bruggemann, Isinsu Katircioglu, Lin Zhang, Xiaoran Chen, Suman Saha, Marco Cannici, Elie Aljalbout, Botao Ye, Xi Wang, Aram Davtyan, Mathieu Salzmann, Davide Scaramuzza, Marc Pollefeys, Paolo Favaro, Alexandre Alahi

GEM: A Generalizable Ego-Vision Multimodal World Model for Fine-Grained Ego-Motion, Object Dynamics, and Scene Composition Control

ArXiv, 2024.

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Low Latency Automotive Vision with Event Cameras

The computer vision algorithms used in today's advanced driver assistance systems rely on image-based RGB cameras, leading to a critical bandwidth-latency trade-off for delivering safe driving experiences. To address this, event cameras have emerged as alternative vision sensors. Event cameras measure changes in intensity asynchronously, offering high temporal resolution and sparsity, drastically reducing bandwidth and latency requirements. Despite these advantages, event camera-based algorithms are either highly efficient but lag behind image-based ones in terms of accuracy or sacrifice the sparsity and efficiency of events to achieve comparable results. To overcome this, we propose a novel hybrid event- and frame-based object detector that preserves the advantages of each modality and thus does not suffer from this tradeoff. Our method exploits the high temporal resolution and sparsity of events and the rich but low temporal resolution information in standard images to generate efficient, high-rate object detections, reducing perceptual and computational latency. We show that the use of a 20 Hz RGB camera plus an event camera can achieve the same latency as a 5,000 Hz camera with the bandwidth of a 45 Hz camera without compromising accuracy. Our approach paves the way for efficient and robust perception in edge-case scenarios by uncovering the potential of event cameras.



Daniel Gehrig, Davide Scaramuzza

Low Latency Automotive Vision with Event Cameras

Nature, 2024.

PDF Open Access Code Training code Dataset Dataset Helper Tools YouTube

State Space Models for Event Cameras

State Space Models for Event Cameras

Today, state-of-the-art deep neural networks that process event-camera data first convert a temporal window of events into dense, grid-like input representations. As such, they exhibit poor generalizability when deployed at higher inference frequencies (i.e., smaller temporal windows) than the ones they were trained on. We address this challenge by introducing state-space models (SSMs) with learnable timescale parameters to event-based vision. This design adapts to varying frequencies without the need to retrain the network at different frequencies. Additionally, we investigate two strategies to counteract aliasing effects when deploying the model at higher frequencies. We comprehensively evaluate our approach against existing methods based on RNN and Transformer architectures across various benchmarks, including Gen1 and 1 Mpx event camera datasets. Our results demonstrate that SSM-based models train 33% faster and also exhibit minimal performance degradation when tested at higher frequencies than the training input. Traditional RNN and Transformer models exhibit performance drops of more than 20 mAP, with SSMs having a drop of 3.76 mAP, highlighting the effectiveness of SSMs in event-based vision tasks.


State Space Models for Event Cameras

Nikola Zubić, Mathias Gehrig, Davide Scaramuzza

State Space Models for Event Cameras

IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), Seattle, 2024.

Spotlight Presentation.

PDF Code Video

Seeing Behind Dynamic Occlusions with Event Cameras

Seeing Behind Dynamic Occlusions with Event Cameras

Unwanted camera occlusions, such as debris, dust, rain-drops, and snow, can severely degrade the performance of computer-vision systems. Dynamic occlusions are particularly challenging because of the continuously changing pattern. Existing occlusion-removal methods currently use synthetic aperture imaging or image inpainting. However, they face issues with dynamic occlusions as these require multiple viewpoints or user-generated masks to hallucinate the background intensity. We propose a novel approach to reconstruct the background from a single viewpoint in the presence of dynamic occlusions. Our solution relies for the first time on the combination of a traditional camera with an event camera. When an occlusion moves across a background image, it causes intensity changes that trigger events. These events provide additional information on the relative intensity changes between foreground and background at a high temporal resolution, enabling a truer reconstruction of the background content. We show that our method outperforms image inpainting methods by 3dB in terms of PSNR on our dataset.


Seeing behind Occlusions with Event Cameras

Rong Zou, Manasi Muglikar, Nico Messikommer, Davide Scaramuzza

Seeing behind occlusions with event cameras

Arxiv, 2023.


From Chaos Comes Order: Ordering Event Representations for Object Recognition and Detection

From Chaos Comes Order: Ordering Event Representations for Object Recognition and Detection

Selecting dense event representations for deep neural networks is exceedingly slow since it involves training a neural network for each representation and selecting the best one based on the validation score. In this work, we eliminate this bottleneck by selecting the representation based on the Gromov-Wasserstein Discrepancy (GWD) on the validation set. This metric is 200 times faster to compute and preserves the task performance ranking of event representations across multiple representations, network backbones, datasets and tasks. We use it to, for the first time, perform a hyperparameter search on a large family of event representations, revealing new and powerful event representations that exceed the state-of-the-art. Our optimized representations outperform existing representations by 1.7 mAP on the 1 Mpx dataset and 0.3 mAP on the Gen1 dataset, two established object detection benchmarks, and reach a 3.8% higher classification score on the mini N-ImageNet benchmark. Moreover, we outperform state-of-the-art by 2.1 mAP on Gen1 and state-of-the-art feed-forward methods by 6.0 mAP on the 1 Mpx datasets. This work opens a new unexplored field of explicit representation optimization for event-based learning.


From Chaos Comes Order: Ordering Event Representations for Object Recognition and Detection

Nikola Zubić, Daniel Gehrig, Mathias Gehrig, Davide Scaramuzza

From Chaos Comes Order: Ordering Event Representations for Object Recognition and Detection

IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), 2023.

PDF Code

Recurrent Vision Transformers for Object Detection with Event Cameras

Recurrent Vision Transformers for Object Detection with Event Cameras

We present Recurrent Vision Transformers (RVTs), a novel backbone for object detection with event cameras. Event cameras provide visual information with sub-millisecond latency at a high-dynamic range and with strong robustness against motion blur. These unique properties offer great potential for low-latency object detection and tracking in time-critical scenarios. Prior work in event-based vision has achieved outstanding detection performance but at the cost of substantial inference time, typically beyond 40 milliseconds. By revisiting the high-level design of recurrent vision backbones, we reduce inference time by a factor of 5 while retaining similar performance. To achieve this, we explore a multi-stage design that utilizes three key concepts in each stage: First, a convolutional prior that can be regarded as a conditional positional embedding. Second, local- and dilated global self-attention for spatial feature interaction. Third, recurrent temporal feature aggregation to minimize latency while retaining temporal information. RVTs can be trained from scratch to reach state-of-the-art performance on event-based object detection - achieving an mAP of 47.2% on the Gen1 automotive dataset. At the same time, RVTs offer fast inference (12 ms on a T4 GPU) and favorable parameter efficiency (5 times fewer than prior art). Our study brings new insights into effective design choices that could be fruitful for research beyond event-based vision.


Recurrent Vision Transformers for Object Detection with Event Cameras

Mathias Gehrig and Davide Scaramuzza

Recurrent Vision Transformers for Object Detection with Event Cameras

IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2023.

PDF YouTube Code

Pushing the Limits of Asynchronous Graph-based Object Detection with Event Cameras

Pushing the Limits of Asynchronous Graph-based Object Detection with Event Cameras

State-of-the-art machine-learning methods for event cameras treat events as dense representations and process them with conventional deep neural networks. Thus, they fail to maintain the sparsity and asynchronous nature of event data, thereby imposing significant computation and latency constraints on downstream systems. A recent line of work tackles this issue by modeling events as spatiotemporally evolving graphs that can be efficiently and asynchronously processed using graph neural networks. These works showed impressive computation reductions, yet their accuracy is still limited by the small scale and shallow depth of their network, both of which are required to reduce computation. In this work, we break this glass ceiling by introducing several architecture choices which allow us to scale the depth and complexity of such models while maintaining low computation. On object detection tasks, our smallest model shows up to 3.7 times lower computation, while outperforming state-of-the-art asynchronous methods by 7.4 mAP. Even when scaling to larger model sizes, we are 13% more efficient than state-of-the-art while outperforming it by 11.5 mAP. As a result, our method runs 3.7 times faster than a dense graph neural network, taking only 8.4 ms per forward pass. This opens the door to efficient, and accurate object detection in edge-case scenarios.


Pushing the Limits of Asynchronous Graph-based Object Detection with Event Cameras

Daniel Gehrig, Davide Scaramuzza

Pushing the Limits of Asynchronous Graph-based Object Detection with Event Cameras

arXiv, 2022.


Event-based Vision meets Deep Learning on Steering Prediction for Self-driving Cars

Event cameras are bio-inspired vision sensors that naturally capture the dynamics of a scene, filtering out redundant information. This paper presents a deep neural network approach that unlocks the potential of event cameras on a challenging motion-estimation task: prediction of a vehicle's steering angle. To make the best out of this sensor-algorithm combination, we adapt state-of-the-art convolutional architectures to the output of event sensors and extensively evaluate the performance of our approach on a publicly available large scale event-camera dataset (~1000 km). We present qualitative and quantitative explanations of why event cameras allow robust steering prediction even in cases where traditional cameras fail, e.g. challenging illumination conditions and fast motion. Finally, we demonstrate the advantages of leveraging transfer learning from traditional to event-based vision, and show that our approach outperforms state-of-the-art algorithms based on standard cameras.


Event-based Vision meets Deep Learning on Steering Prediction for Self-driving Cars

A.I. Maqueda, A. Loquercio, G. Gallego, N. Garcia, D. Scaramuzza

Event-based Vision meets Deep Learning on Steering Prediction for Self-driving Cars

IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), Salt Lake City, 2018.

PDF Poster YouTube Code

ESS: Learning Event-based Semantic Segmentation from Still Images

Retrieving accurate semantic information in challenging high dynamic range (HDR) and high-speed conditions remains an open challenge for image-based algorithms due to severe image degradations. Event cameras promise to address these challenges since they feature a much higher dynamic range and are resilient to motion blur. Nonetheless, semantic segmentation with event cameras is still in its infancy which is chiefly due to the lack of high-quality, labeled datasets. In this work, we introduce ESS (Event-based Semantic Segmentation), which tackles this problem by directly transferring the semantic segmentation task from existing labeled image datasets to unlabeled events via unsupervised domain adaptation (UDA). Compared to existing UDA methods, our approach aligns recurrent, motion-invariant event embeddings with image embeddings. For this reason, our method neither requires video data nor per-pixel alignment between images and events and, crucially, does not need to hallucinate motion from still images. Additionally, we introduce DSEC-Semantic, the first large-scale event-based dataset with fine-grained labels. We show that using image labels alone, ESS outperforms existing UDA approaches, and when combined with event labels, it even outperforms state-of-the-art supervised approaches on both DDD17 and DSEC-Semantic. Finally, ESS is general-purpose, which unlocks the vast amount of existing labeled image datasets and paves the way for new and exciting research directions in new fields previously inaccessible for event cameras.


ESS: Learning Event-based Semantic Segmentation from Still Images

Z. Sun*, N. Messikommer*, D. Gehrig, D. Scaramuzza

ESS: Learning Event-based Semantic Segmentation from Still Images

European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV), Tel Aviv, 2022.

PDF YouTube Code Dataset

AEGNN: Asynchronous Event-based Graph Neural Networks

The best performing learning algorithms devised for event cameras work by first converting events into dense representations that are then processed using standard CNNs. However, these steps discard both the sparsity and high temporal resolution of events, leading to high computational burden and latency. For this reason, recent works have adopted Graph Neural Networks (GNNs), which process events as “static” spatio-temporal graphs, which are inherently ”sparse”. We take this trend one step further by introducing Asynchronous, Event-based Graph Neural Networks (AEGNNs), a novel event-processing paradigm that generalizes standard GNNs to process events as "evolving" spatio-temporal graphs. AEGNNs follow efficient update rules that restrict recomputation of network activations only to the nodes affected by each new event, thereby significantly reducing both computation and latency for event- by-event processing. AEGNNs are easily trained on synchronous inputs and can be converted to efficient, ”asynchronous” networks at test time. We thoroughly validate our method on object classification and detection tasks, where we show an up to a 200-fold reduction in computational complexity (FLOPs), with similar or even better performance than state-of-the-art asynchronous methods. This reduction in computation directly translates to an 8-fold reduction in computational latency when compared to standard GNNs, which opens the door to low-latency event-based processing.


AEGNN: Asynchronous Event-based Graph Neural Networks

S. Schaefer*, D. Gehrig*, D. Scaramuzza

AEGNN: Asynchronous Event-based Graph Neural Networks

IEEE Conference of Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2022, New Orleans, USA.

PDF Video CVPR22 Long Video Code Project Webpage

Bridging the Gap between Events and Frames through Unsupervised Domain Adaptation

Event cameras are novel sensors with outstanding properties such as high temporal resolution and high dynamic range. Despite these characteristics, event-based vision has been held back by the shortage of labeled datasets due to the novelty of event cameras. To overcome this drawback, we propose a task transfer method that allows models to be trained directly with labeled images and unlabeled event data. Compared to previous approaches, (i) our method transfers from single images to events instead of high frame rate videos, and (ii) does not rely on paired sensor data. To achieve this, we leverage the generative event model to split event features into content and motion features. This feature split enables to efficiently match the latent space for events and images, which is crucial for a successful task transfer. Thus, our approach unlocks the vast amount of existing image datasets for the training of event-based neural networks. Our task transfer method consistently outperforms methods applicable in the Unsupervised Domain Adaptation setting for object detection by 0.26 mAP (increase by 93%) and classification by 2.7% accuracy.


Bridging the Gap between Events and Frames through UDA

N. Messikommer, D. Gehrig, M. Gehrig, D. Scaramuzza

Bridging the Gap between Events and Frames through Unsupervised Domain Adaptation

Robotics and Automation Letters (RAL), 2022.

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Event Guided Depth Sensing

Event-Guided Depth estimation

Active depth sensors like structured light, lidar, and time-of-flight systems sample the depth of the entire scene uniformly at a fixed scan rate. This leads to limited spatio-temporal resolution where redundant static information is over-sampled and precious motion information might be under-sampled. In this paper, we present an efficient bio-inspired event-camera-driven depth estimation algorithm. In our approach, we dynamically illuminate areas of interest densely, depending on the scene activity detected by the event camera, and sparsely illuminate areas in the field of view with no motion. The depth estimation is achieved by an event-based structured light system consisting of a laser point projector coupled with a second event-based sensor tuned to detect the reflection of the laser from the scene. We show the feasibility of our approach in a simulated autonomous driving scenario and real indoor sequences using our prototype. We show that, in natural scenes like autonomous driving and indoor environments, moving edges correspond to less than 10% of the scene on average. Thus our setup requires the sensor to scan only 10% of the scene, which could lead to almost 90% less power consumption by the illumination source. While we present the evaluation and proof-of-concept for an event-based structured-light system, the ideas presented here are applicable for a wide range of depth sensing modalities like LIDAR, time-of-flight, and standard stereo.



M. Muglikar, D. Moeys, D. Scaramuzza

Event Guided Depth Sensing

International Conference on 3D Vision (3DV), 2021.

PDF Video

E-RAFT: Dense Optical Flow from Event Cameras

E-RAFT: Dense Optical Flow from Event Cameras

We propose to incorporate feature correlation and sequential processing into dense optical flow estimation from event cameras. Modern frame-based optical flow methods heavily rely on matching costs computed from feature correlation. In contrast, there exists no optical flow method for event cameras that explicitly computes matching costs. Instead, learning-based approaches using events usually resort to the U-Net architecture to estimate optical flow sparsely. Our key finding is that introducing correlation features significantly improves results compared to previous methods that solely rely on convolution layers. Compared to the state-of-the-art, our proposed approach computes dense optical flow and reduces the end-point error by 23% on MVSEC. Furthermore, we show that all existing optical flow methods developed so far for event cameras have been evaluated on datasets with very small displacement fields with a maximum flow magnitude of 10 pixels. We introduce a new real-world dataset that exhibits displacement fields with magnitudes up to 210 pixels and 3 times higher camera resolution based on this observation. Our proposed approach reduces the end-point error on this dataset by 66%.


Dense Optical Flow from Event Cameras

M. Gehrig, M. Millhaeusler, D. Gehrig, D. Scaramuzza

E-RAFT: Dense Optical Flow from Event Cameras

International Conference on 3D Vision (3DV), 2021.

Oral Presentation. Oral Acceptance Rate: 13.2%.

Project Page PDF Code Dataset Benchmark Youtube

DSEC: A Stereo Event Camera Dataset for Driving Scenarios

DSEC: A Stereo Event Camera Dataset for Driving Scenarios

Once an academic venture, autonomous driving has received unparalleled corporate funding in the last decade. Still, operating conditions of current autonomous cars are mostly restricted to ideal scenarios. This means that driving in challenging illumination conditions such as night, sunrise, and sunset remains an open problem. In these cases, standard cameras are being pushed to their limits in terms of low light and high dynamic range performance. To address these challenges, we propose, DSEC, a new dataset that contains such demanding illumination conditions and provides a rich set of sensory data. DSEC offers data from a wide-baseline stereo setup of two color frame cameras and two high-resolution monochrome event cameras. In addition, we collect lidar data and RTK GPS measurements, both hardware synchronized with all camera data. One of the distinctive features of this dataset is the inclusion of high-resolution event cameras. Event cameras have received increasing attention for their high temporal resolution and high dynamic range performance. However, due to their novelty, event camera datasets in driving scenarios are rare. This work presents the first high resolution, large scale stereo dataset with event cameras. The dataset contains 53 sequences collected by driving in a variety of illumination conditions and provides ground truth disparity for the development and evaluation of event-based stereo algorithms.


DSEC: A Stereo Event Camera Dataset for Driving Scenarios

M. Gehrig, W. Aarents, D. Gehrig, D. Scaramuzza

DSEC: A Stereo Event Camera Dataset for Driving Scenarios

IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L), 2021.

PDF Project Page and Dataset Code Teaser ICRA 2021 Video Pitch Slides

Combining Events and Frames using Recurrent Asynchronous Multimodal Networks for Monocular Depth Prediction

Combining Events and Frames using Recurrent Asynchronous Multimodal Networks for Monocular Depth Prediction

Event cameras are novel vision sensors that report per-pixel brightness changes as a stream of asynchronous "events". They offer significant advantages compared to standard cameras due to their high temporal resolution, high dynamic range and lack of motion blur. However, events only measure the varying component of the visual signal, which limits their ability to encode scene context. By contrast, standard cameras measure absolute intensity frames, which capture a much richer representation of the scene. Both sensors are thus complementary. However, due to the asynchronous nature of events, combining them with synchronous images remains challenging, especially for learning-based methods. This is because traditional recurrent neural networks (RNNs) are not designed for asynchronous and irregular data from additional sensors. To address this challenge, we introduce Recurrent Asynchronous Multimodal (RAM) networks, which generalize traditional RNNs to handle asynchronous and irregular data from multiple sensors. Inspired by traditional RNNs, RAM networks maintain a hidden state that is updated asynchronously and can be queried at any time to generate a prediction. We apply this novel architecture to monocular depth estimation with events and frames where we show an improvement over state-of-the-art methods by up to 30\% in terms of mean absolute depth error. To enable further research on multimodal learning with events, we release EventScape, a new dataset with events, intensity frames, semantic labels, and depth maps recorded in the CARLA simulator.


Combining Events and Frames using Recurrent Asynchronous Multimodal Networks for Monocular Depth Prediction

D. Gehrig*, M. Rüegg*, M. Gehrig, J. Hidalgo-Carrió, D. Scaramuzza

Combining Events and Frames using Recurrent Asynchronous Multimodal Networks for Monocular Depth Prediction

IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L), 2021.

PDF Code Project Page ICRA 2021 Video Pitch Slides

Learning Monocular Dense Depth from Events

Event cameras are novel sensors that output brightness changes in the form of a stream of asynchronous "events" instead of intensity frames. Compared to conventional image sensors, they offer significant advantages: high temporal resolution, high dynamic range, no motion blur, and much lower bandwidth. Recently, learning-based approaches have been applied to event-based data, thus unlocking their potential and making significant progress in a variety of tasks, such as monocular depth prediction. Most existing approaches use standard feed-forward architectures to generate network predictions, which do not leverage the temporal consistency presents in the event stream. We propose a recurrent architecture to solve this task and show significant improvement over standard feed-forward methods. In particular, our method generates dense depth predictions using a monocular setup, which has not been shown previously. We pretrain our model using a new dataset containing events and depth maps recorded in the CARLA simulator. We test our method on the Multi Vehicle Stereo Event Camera Dataset (MVSEC). Quantitative experiments show up to 50% improvement in average depth error with respect to previous event-based methods.


Learning Monocular Dense Depth from Events

J. Hidalgo-Carrió, D. Gehrig, D. Scaramuzza

Learning Monocular Dense Depth from Events

IEEE International Conference on 3D Vision (3DV), 2020.

PDF Code Project Page

Event-based Asynchronous Sparse Convolutional Networks

Event cameras are bio-inspired sensors that respond to per-pixel brightness changes in the form of asynchronous and sparse "events". Recently, pattern recognition algorithms, such as learning-based methods, have made significant progress with event cameras by converting events into synchronous dense, image-like representations and applying traditional machine learning methods developed for standard cameras. However, these approaches discard the spatial and temporal sparsity inherent in event data at the cost of higher computational complexity and latency. In this work, we present a general framework for converting models trained on synchronous image-like event representations into asynchronous models with identical output, thus directly leveraging the intrinsic asynchronous and sparse nature of the event data. We show both theoretically and experimentally that this drastically reduces the computational complexity and latency of high-capacity, synchronous neural networks without sacrificing accuracy. In addition, our framework has several desirable characteristics: (i) it exploits spatio-temporal sparsity of events explicitly, (ii) it is agnostic to the event representation, network architecture, and task, and (iii) it does not require any train-time change, since it is compatible with the standard neural networks' training process. We thoroughly validate the proposed framework on two computer vision tasks: object detection and object recognition. In these tasks, we reduce the computational complexity up to 20 times with respect to high-latency neural networks. At the same time, we outperform state-of-the-art asynchronous approaches up to 24% in prediction accuracy.


ArXiv Preprint

Nico Messikommer, Daniel Gehrig, Antonio Loquercio, and Davide Scaramuzza

Event-based Asynchronous Sparse Convolutional Networks

European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV), Glasgow, 2020.

PDF YouTube ECCV20 Presentation Code

Event-Based Motion Segmentation by Motion Compensation

In contrast to traditional cameras, whose pixels have a common exposure time, event-based cameras are novel bio-inspired sensors whose pixels work independently and asynchronously output intensity changes (called "events"), with microsecond resolution. Since events are caused by the apparent motion of objects, event-based cameras sample visual information based on the scene dynamics and are, therefore, a more natural fit than traditional cameras to acquire motion, especially at high speeds, where traditional cameras suffer from motion blur. However, distinguishing between events caused by different moving objects and by the camera's ego-motion is a challenging task. We present the first per-event segmentation method for splitting a scene into independently moving objects. Our method jointly estimates the event-object associations (i.e., segmentation) and the motion parameters of the objects (or the background) by maximization of an objective function, which builds upon recent results on event-based motion-compensation. We provide a thorough evaluation of our method on a public dataset, outperforming the state-of-the-art by as much as 10%. We also show the first quantitative evaluation of a segmentation algorithm for event cameras, yielding around 90% accuracy at 4 pixels relative displacement.


Event-Based Motion Segmentation by Motion Compensation

T. Stoffregen, G. Gallego, T. Drummond, L. Kleeman, D. Scaramuzza

Event-Based Motion Segmentation by Motion Compensation

IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), 2019.

PDF (animations best viewed with Acrobat Reader) YouTube

End-to-End Learning of Representations for Asynchronous Event-Based Data

End-to-End Learning of Representations for Asynchronous Event-Based Data

Event cameras are vision sensors that record asynchronous streams of per-pixel brightness changes, referred to as "events". They have appealing advantages over frame-based cameras for computer vision, including high temporal resolution, high dynamic range, and no motion blur. Due to the sparse, non-uniform spatiotemporal layout of the event signal, pattern recognition algorithms typically aggregate events into a grid-based representation and subsequently process it by a standard vision pipeline, e.g., Convolutional Neural Network (CNN). In this work, we introduce a general framework to convert event streams into grid-based representations through a sequence of differentiable operations. Our framework comes with two main advantages: (i) allows learning the input event representation together with the task dedicated network in an end to end manner, and (ii) lays out a taxonomy that unifies the majority of extant event representations in the literature and identifies novel ones. Empirically, we show that our approach to learning the event representation end-to-end yields an improvement of approximately 12% on optical flow estimation and object recognition over state-of-the-art methods.


End-to-End Learning of Representations for Asynchronous Event-Based Data

D. Gehrig, A. Loquercio, K. G. Derpanis, D. Scaramuzza

End-to-End Learning of Representations for Asynchronous Event-Based Data

IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), 2019.

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