15.01.2025 Tages Anzeiger Interview about humanoid robots and self-driving cars
In this interview, Professor Davide Scaramuzza explains why it will still take time for humanoid robots and autononomus cars to be ready for deployment, and why. [ Link ]
05.12.2024 RPG Collaborates with NASA JPL to Pioneer Advanced Mars Science Helicopter
In this News Article, we talk about our collaboration with NASA JPL for Mars helicopters: [ UZH News , IFI news , punkt4 , Swisstrade , rf-news ]
20.11.2024 AI-Powered Vision-Based Navigation for Autonomous Drones in Critical Missions
Autonomous drones are redefining critical operations by navigating without GPS or human control, using advanced vision-based algorithms. This cutting-edge technology allows drones to operate effectively in disrupted environments, enhancing precision and resilience. [ NZZ ]
18.11.2024 Our group's welcome to Unitree G1
The humanoid robot G1, developed by Unitree, was recently presented for the first time in Switzerland at the University of Zurich. Our group is proud to be part of such cutting-edge advancements in robotics, working to address the challenges of perception, planning, and control to unlock the full potential of humanoid robots. [ NZZ , Blick ]
07.11.2024 Empowering the blind at Cybathlon 2024
Our research on vision assistance for blind people is in today's UZH News. Read this interview of our PhD student Giovanni Cioffi to learn how our technology for flying robots was used to design the navigation algorithm of Sight Guide at Cybathlon 2024! [ Link , Video ]
25.10.2024 Davide Scaramuzza's Keynote at IROS 2024
In his keynote at IROS 2024 in Abu Dhabi, Prof. Davide Scaramuzza highlighted the latest advancements in drone autonomy, covering breakthroughs in vision-based navigation and how drones are becoming increasingly capable of high-speed, agile flight without relying on external sensors. [ Link , Link ]
Cutting-edge research in Science Robotics reveals that by using computer vision, these robots will soon anticipate and adapt to users' intentions, going beyond basic mechanical functions. [ Link ]
Davide Scaramuzza is showcased in RTS 1: Les robots humanoïdes autonomes vont-ils bientôt occuper nos foyers? [ RTS 1 , Full video ]
31.05.2024 Our Nature paper on 'Low Latency Automotive Vision with Event Cameras'
Our most recent Nature paper on 'Low Latency Automotive Vision with Event Cameras' has received great media attention: [ IEEE Spectrum , Techxplore , Interesting Engineering , Ars Technica , ScienceDaily , Heise.de , El Pais , Nature Reviews Electrical Engineering , The Register , Kowatek , Chinese news , SwissInfo , Blick , Ticino News , Watson ]
17.05.2024 IEEE Kiyo Tomiyasu Award 2024
Prestigious ‘IEEE Kiyo Tomiyasu Award 2024’ given in Japan to Davide Scaramuzza: [ Quotidiano Dell Umbria , News UZH , Innovation Post ]
15.01.2024 UZH News Top 10
Our AI drone SWIFT in the Top 10 UZH News 2023: [ Link ]
03.01.2024 IEEE Spectrum
Our Nature Paper in the Top Robotics Stories 2023: [ Link ]
13.12.2023 Our startup SUID raises 600k USD in a seed round
Our startup SUIND raises 600k USD in a seed round led by Sunicon and others: [ Link ]
05.12.2023 Italian TV La7
Davide Scaramuzza talks about the drone racing research of our lab on Italian TV (we are featured from 03:20 to 06:35): [ Link ]
25.10.2023 Terni in Rete
Davide Scaramuzza speaks at Terni Digital Week: [ Link ]
18.10.2023 inControl Podcast
Davide Scaramuzza is featured in this week's episode of the inControl podcast: [ Website, Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Youtube, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter ]
16.10.2023 IEEE Spectrum
Davide Scaramuzza and Adam Bry (CEO of Skydio) discuss super-human drones with Evan Ackerman: [ Blog, Video ]
29.09.2023 IEEE Spectrum
Our RA-L paper on learned inertial odometry is featured in the IEEE Spectrum Video Friday: [ Link ]
01.09.2023 Our Nature Paper
Our Nature paper on beating the best human pilots in drone racing has received great media attention: [ IEEE Spectrum, SRF, TeleZürich, The Guardian, The Daily Mail, Spiegel, Heise, National Public Radio, The New Scientiest, El Diario, NZZ, Forbes, CORDIS, Independent ]
14.08.2023 LSE Blog
The London School of Economics (LSE) blogs about our publication on cracking double blind review: [ Link ]
27.07.2023 SRF and NZZ Format
NZZ released a documentary (aired on SRF) on what role autonomous weapons play in future wars: [ Link ]
11.07.2023 IEEE Spectrum
Our RSS paper on a hybrid-dynamics VIO system is featured in the IEEE Spectrum Video Friday: [ Link ]
29.06.2023 St. Galler Tagblatt and Watson
St. Galler Tagblatt and Watson report on why the Swiss military does not buy Swiss drones: [ Watson, Tagblatt ]
26.05.2023 IEEE Spectrum
Our work on perception-aware agile flight in cluttered environments is featured in the IEEE Spectrum Video Friday: [ Link ]
09.05.2023 NCCR Robotics
The documentary summarizing the 12 amazing years of NCCR Robotics is released: [ Link ]
19.04.2023 IEEE Spectrum
Our work on catching objects with quadrupedal robots with event cameras is features on IEEE Spectrum: [ Link ]
04.04.2023 Brazillian News
Our joint work with TU Munich on combining model predictive control and neural control is featured on a Brazilian tech review site: [ Link ]
03.04.2023 RSI
RSI reports on the LINA project in our hangar in Dübendorf: [ Link ]
31.03.2023 TeleZ
TeleZ reports on the LINA project and shows our hangar in Dübendorf: [ Link ]
31.03.2023 Swissinfo
Davide Scaramuzza comments on the ethical implications and the dual-use of autonomous drones: [ Link ]
17.03.2023 TechXplore
Our joint work with TU Munich on combining model predictive control and neural control is featured on TechXplore: [ Link ]
13.03.2023 IEEE Spectrum
The release of our flightstack Agilicious is featured in the IEEE Spectrum Video Friday: [ Link ]
09.03.2023 UZH Magazin
UZH News reports on the LINA testing facility at Dübendorf airport: [ DE, EN, LINA Homepage ]
15.02.2023 C4ISRNET
Davide Scaramuzza is interviewed by the defense news website C4ISRNET on the role of Starlink in drone warfare: [ Link ]
15.01.2023 Süddeutsche Zeitung
Süddeutsche Zeitung mentions RPG as an example to show what AI-controlled drones are able to accomplish: [ PDF, Link ]
15.01.2023 Blick
Davide Scaramuzza is interviewed on the future of drones, AI and autonomous weapons: [ PDF, Link ]
11.01.2023 EU Science-Media Hub
Our work on drones is featured on the European Science Media Hub: [ Link ]
04.01.2023 IEEE Explore
We are honored that Davide Scaramuzza is a featured author on the IEEE website: [ Link ]
29.12.2022 IEEE Spectrum
RPG is featured in the top 10 robotics stories of IEEE Spectrum: [ Link ]
24.12.2022 NCCR Robotics
12 amazing years of NCCR Robotics come to an end: [ Link ]
9.12.2022 IEEE Spectrum
The 10 year anniversary of our group is featured in IEEE Spectrum Video Friday: [ Link ]
01.12.2022 BUG.hr
The Croatian PC magazine BUG names Davide Scaramuzza one of the 12 most important roboticists: [ Link ]
28.11.2022 Hackaday
Our drone race against the worlds best drone pilot is featured in Hackaday: [ Link ]
23.11.2022 EE Times
The electronics industry magazing EE Times reports on event-cameras: [ Link ]
21.11.2022 Haaretz
Elbit Systems lists RPG as a pioneer teaching drones to fly in complex environments using AI: [ Link ]
11.11.2022 NZZ Format
NZZ Format reports on our autonomous drone technology: [ Link ]
07.11.2022 SRF Tagesschau
SRF reports on the Swiss Robotics Days 2022 in Lausanne where our autonomous, vision-based drones are featured: [ Youtube [DE] , Youtube [IT] , SRF [DE] RSI [IT] ]
21.10.2022 UZH Space Hub
UZH Space Hub reports on the parabolic flight campain in which RPG participated: [ Link ]
21.10.2022 AI Hub
AI Hub reports on our work on training efficient controllers via analytic policy gradient: [ Link ]
12.10.2022 Tagblatt, Luzerner Zeitung
The swiss newspapers Tagblatt and Luzerner Zeitung report on the parabolic flight campaign in which RPG participated: [ Link , Link ]
12.10.2022 Business Insider
Davide Scaramuzza provides an expert opinion on the Tesla Optimus Bot: [ Link ]
30.08.2022 University Technology Exposure Program
Our simulator Flightmare is featured on wevolver as a part of the "University Technology Exposure Program" series: [ Link ]
15.08.2022 Electronics Weekly
Electronics Weekly features our work on agile flight in cluttered environments: [ Link ]
31.07.2022 RPG on German TV program ZDF
Leonard Bauersfeld and Elia Kaufmann are invited to ZDFs "1, 2 oder 3" kids program to talk about drones: [ Link ]
27.07.2022 CIO move
Our research on agile flights is featured in CIO move: [ Link ]
25.07.2022 MIT Technology Review
Elia Kaufmann and Davide Scaramuzza are interviewed about the Sony AI that beat the world champions in Gran Turismo: [ Link ]
19.07.2022 Terninrete
Our AI drones are part of RAI1 SuperQuark TV program: [ Link ]
17.07.2022 IEEE Spectrum
Our work on minimum-time trajectory planning in cluttered environments is featured in IEEE Spectrum Video Friday: [ Link ]
13.07.2022 RPG on Italian TV program SuperQuark
Watch the full video report about our research on autonomous drones, from drone racing to search and rescue, from standard to event cameras. Video in Italian with English subtitles: [ Link ]
13.07.2022 Planet Storyline
Our open software and open hardware platform Agilicious is featured in the technology blog Planet Storyline: [ Link ]
08.07.2022 Emmett
Our autonomous drones are featured in the german communication and networking platform Emmett: [ Link ]
08.07.2022 Englisch & French News
English and French news aggregators report on the world's first AI vs. Human Drone Race organized by us: [ Link, Link ]
07.07.2022 IEEE Spectrum
IEEE Spectrum reports on the world's first AI vs. Human Drone Race organized by us: [ Link ]
05.07.2022 Brazillian News
Our open-source software and hardware platform agilicious is featured in Brazillian news: [ Link ]
30.06.2022 Higgs
Do we need to worry about the usage of Swiss drone technology in warzones?: [ Link ]
29.06.2022 Yahoo Finances & Mundo Conectado
Yahoo Finances and Mundo Conectado report on our recent Science Robotics paper "Agilicious: Open-source and open-hardware agile quadrotor for vision-based flight": [ Link, Link ]
28.06.2022 IEEE Spectrum
Our work on frame interpolation with event cameras is featured in IEEE Spectrum Video Friday: [ Link ]
25.06.2022 SWI swissinfo.ch
Do we need to worry about the usage of Swiss drone technology in warzones?: [ Link in German, English, Italian, Chinese ]
18.05.2022 UK Institution of Mechanical Engineers
The UK Institution of Mechanical Engineers summarize our work, from drones to event cameras: [ Link ]
17.05.2022 News.ch
Oli Inclusive reports on autonomous drone racing at the Scientifica 2022: [ Link ]
11.05.2022 IEEE Spectrum
Our work on time-optimal online replanning for agile quadrotor flight is featured in IEEE Spectrum Video Friday: [ Link ]
05.05.2022 UAS News
UZH lists AI racing-drones as a key finding of 2021: [ Link ] (starts at 26:00)
19.03.2022 UAS News
UAS News reports on new Skydio hires from RPG: [ Link ]
15.03.2022 IEEE Spectrum
Our work on learning control for agile quadcopter flight is featured in IEEE Spectrum Video Friday: [ Link ]
14.03.2022 From our lab to Skydio
Today, Skydio announces that it will be hiring some of our former PhD students. RPG is very proud of them! [ Link ]
10.03.2022 Interview with RoboHub
Davide Scaramuzza talks about event cameras and their application to robotics, automotive, defense, safety and security, computer vision, and videography: [ Article, Video ]
09.03.2022 IEEE Spectrum
Our work on obstacle-aware minimum-time waypoint planning for quadcopters is featured in IEEE Spectrum Video Friday: [ Link ]
02.03.2022 IEEE Spectrum
Our work on nonlinear MPC for quadrotor fault-tolerant control is featured in IEEE Spectrum Video Friday: [ Link ]
27.02.2022 Independent Turkey
Our work on drones is featured in Independent Turkey: [ Link ]
16.02.2022 IEEE Spectrum
Our work on event guided depth sensing is featured in IEEE Spectrum Video Friday: [ Link ]
15.2.2022 Image Sensors World
Our work on event guided depth sensing is featured in Image Sensors World : [ Link ]
10.2.2022 Kanton Zurich
Die Schweizer Hochburg der Robotik : [ Link ]
4.2.2022 Internazionale
Articolo riguardo la nostra ricerca su event cameras : [ Link ]
28.1.2022 The Economist
RPG research on event cameras featured in The Economist! : [ Link ]
10.1.2022 UZH News
RPG research makes it to the top 10 UZH news of 2021 : [ Link ]
1.12.2021 United Nations AI for Good Webinar
Davide Scaramuzza speaks at the United Nations AI for good webinar on research on autonomous drones for search and rescue : [ Link ]
8.11.2021 Die Redaktion
Drohnen, Sensoren und Schwerelosigkeit: Hightech-Forschung in Dübendorf : [ Link ]
26.10.2021 Forbes
This hotshot AI drone can speed through complex environments thanks to new kind of virtual training : [ Link ]
20.10.2021 United Nations Environment Program
Davide Scaramuzza talks about drones in disaster management at the United Nations Environment Program : [ Link ]
20.10.2021 ETH AI Center
Davide Scaramuzza's talk at ETH Science and Engineering Workshop : [ Link ]
15.10.2021 House of Switzerland
The future of aerial robotics: [ Main event ], [ Video ]
10.10.2021 LA1 (Swiss Italian TV)
High-Speed Drones for the Good: [ Link ]
11.10.2021 Metro UK
"Artificial intelligence means drones can dodge through forests at 25mph" [ Link ]
08.10.2021 Futura-Sciences
"Ces drones de compétition peuvent voler entre les branches dans une forêt" [ Link ]
08.10.2021 IEEE Spectrum
Autonomous racing drones dodge through forests at 40 kph: [ Link ]
08.10.2021 Газета.Ru
"Russian News coverage of our Science Robotics paper" [ Link ]
08.10.2021 Focus Online
"Geschulte Drohnen sausen ins Unbekannte" [ Link ]
07.10.2021 Science Daily
"Flying high-speed drones into the unknown with AI" [ Link ]
07.10.2021 Tech Xplore
"Flying high-speed drones into the unknown with AI" [ Link ]
04.10.2021 Terni In Rete
Davide Scaramuzza il professore ternano di robotica dell’università di Zurigo che studia l’utilizzo dei droni autonomi nei soccorsi nei casi di disastri: [ Link ] (in Italian)
04.10.2021 Fierce Electronics
Davide Scaramuzza talks about Intel Loihi 2 research chip and open Lava software for neuromorphic work: [ Link ]
26.09.2021 IEEE Spectrum
Our work on adaptive nonlinear MPC for quadrotors is featured in IEEE Spectrum Video Friday: [ Link ]
26.09.2021 IEEE Spectrum
Our talk on autonomous drone racing, part of the NCCR Robotics seminars, is featured in IEEE Spectrum Video Friday: [ Link ]
13.09.2021 Pupil Labs
Human-Piloted Drone Racing: Visual Processing and Control: [ Link ]
18.08.2021 Corriere della Sera
"I droni a guida autonoma sono più veloci di quelli pilotati. Merito di un ingegnere italiano" [ Link ]
17.08.2021 Robohub
Davide Scaramuzza talks about his journey from Electronics Engineering to leading a top robotics vision research group: [ Link ], [ Video ]
06.08.2021 CARLA Release
Our contribution to the CARLA optical flow camera is announced in the latest release: [ Link ]
30.07.2021 Deutschlandfunk
"Autonome Drohne fliegt schneller als Profi-Piloten – Interview Philipp Föhn" [ Link ]
26.07.2021 Engadget
"Autonomous quadrotor beats two human pilots in a drone race" [ Link ]
26.07.2021 El Condidencial
"La inteligencia artificial vuelve a ganarnos, esta vez como piloto aéreo" [ Link ]
23.07.2021 Forbes
"AI-Controlled Drone Racer Has Beaten Human Pilots For The First Time" [ Link ]
22.07.2021 Gizmodo
"Autonomous Drone Just Beat a Professional Racing Pilot for the First Time" [ Link ]
22.07.2021 Interesting Engineering
"New Algorithm Flies Drones, Beats Pace Set by Human Pilots" [ Link ]
22.07.2021 Robohub
"New algorithm flies drones faster than human racing pilots" [ Link ]
22.07.2021 Tencent News
"科学家研发新无人机算法 成功战胜2位世界级无人机驾驶员" [ Link ]
21.07.2021 Science Mag
"New algorithm flies drones faster than human racing pilots" [ Link ]
21.07.2021 CT
"Autonome Drohne am schnellsten" [ Link ]
21.07.2021 Science daily
"New algorithm flies drones faster than human racing pilots can" [ Link ]
21.07.2021 New Atlas
"Autonomous racing drone claims landmark victory against human pilots" [ Link ]
21.07.2021 20 Minuten
"Computergesteuerte Drohne schlägt menschlichen Drohnenpilot" [ Link ]
21.07.2021 Swissinfo
"Un algorithme manie un drone mieux que des pilotes professionnels" [ Link ]
21.07.2021 Engineering and Technology
"Drone flight algorithm beats all human pilots in test race" [ Link ]
04.07.2021 IEEE Spectrum
Our new drone testing arena is featured in IEEE Spectrum Video Friday: [ Link ]
22.06.2021 IEEE Spectrum
Davide Scaramuzza's talk at ICRA 2021 workshop on Opportunities and Challenges with Autonomous Racing is featured in IEEE Spectrum Video Friday: [ Link ]
27.05.2021 Tech Briefs
Navigation Algorithm Enables Drones to Learn Acrobatic Maneuvers: [ Link ]
18.05.2021 Aminer
Davide Scaramuzza is listed among the 100 most influential robotics scholar by Aminer: [ Link ]
07.05.2021 IEEE Spectrum
Davide Scaramuzza's talk at GRASP On Robotics seminar series is featured in IEEE Spectrum Video Friday: [ Link ]
09.04.2021 SwissInfo
Humans on Mars: possible, or a pipe dream? Davide Scaramuzza is interviewed about deploying drones on Mars: [ Link ]
19.03.2021 IEEE Spectrum
Our DodgeDrone challenge on perception and action in dynamic environments is on IEEE Spectrum Video Friday: [ Link ]
01.03.2021 Tech Briefs
Keeping Drones Flying When a Motor Fails: [ Link ]
12.02.2021 IEEE Spectrum
Our work on data-driven MPC for quadrotors is on IEEE Spectrum Video Friday: [ Link ]
09.02.2021 IEEE Spectrum
Our work on autonomous quadrotor flight despite rotor failure with onboard vision sensors is featured on IEEE Spectrum: [ Link ]
01.02.2021 Tecnelab
Davide Scaramuzza is interviewed about the future of drones: [ Link ] (in Italian)
21.01.2021 Aerospace and Defense
Keeping Drones Flying When a Motor Fails: [ Link ]
14.01.2021 Robohub
How to keep drones flying when a motor fails: [ Link ]
14.01.2021 UZH Space Hub
Davide Scaramuzza is interviewed about our new Flying Arena: [ Video ]
13.01.2021 SwissInfo
How to keep drones flying when a motor fails: [ Link ] (in German)
13.01.2021 ScienceDaily
How to keep drones flying when a motor fails: [ Link ]
13.01.2021 Science Magazine
How to keep drones flying when a motor fails: [ Link ]
13.01.2021 Computerworld
How to keep drones flying when a motor fails: [ Link ] (in German)
13.01.2021 Blick
How to keep drones flying when a motor fails: [ Link ] (in German)
11.12.2020 NCCR Robotics
Video of the article published by SwissInfo on November 2020: [ Video ]
28.11.2020 SwissInfo
Swiss drones to the rescue! Davide Scaramuzza is interviewed about autonomous drones for search and rescue missions: [ Link ]
20.11.2020 IEEE Spectrum
Flightmare simulator on IEEE Spectrum Video Friday: [ Link ]
18.11.2020 Robohub
#IROS2020 - Robohub interviews Davide Scaramuzza: [ Link ]
18.11.2020 Robotics Today
Davide Scaramuzza invited speaker in Robotics Today: [ Link ]
20.10.2020 Overtake
Perfect lap times with deep learning AI: [ Link ]
15.10.2020 RSI
Interview of Davide Scaramuzza on robot ethics on Swiss Italian TV (RSI): : [ Link ]
08.10.2020 IEEE Spectrum
Our work on Deep Drone Acrobatics is featured on IEEE Spectrum. AI-Powered Drone Learns Extreme Acrobatics: [ Link ]
16.09.2020 Tech Xplore
A deep learning model achieves super-human performance at Gran Turismo Sport: [ Link ]
14.09.2020 IEEE Spectrum
Our Super-Human Performance in GTS paper is featured in the IEEE Spectrum Video Friday: [ Link ]
14.09.2020 Synced
Fast and Furious! DRL-Fuelled Agents Grab Pole Position in Gran Turismo Sport: [ Link ]
11.09.2020 WEIXIN
Davide Scaramuzza featured in WEIXIN: [ Link ]
04.09.2020 IEEE Spectrum
Our Flightmare simulator is featured in the IEEE Spectrum Video Friday: [ Link ]
04.09.2020 IEEE Spectrum
Our ICRA Workshop talk about Learning Vision-Based, Agile Flight is featured in the IEEE Spectrum Video Friday: [ Link ]
24.07.2020 nextrends Asia
Talking drones with Davide Scaramuzza: [ Link ]
15.07.2020 Vision Systems Design
Unique image processing algorithms increase drone reaction speeds: [ Link ]
26.07.2020 Sim2realAI
Deep Drone Acrobatics (Blog Post) [ Link ]
29.06.2020 Der Spiegel
Akrobatische Drohnen [ PDF ]
25.06.2020 Drones Crunch
Must Watch! Programming Precision Aerobatics [ Link ]
24.06.2020 NCYT
Acrobacias para drones [ Link ]
24.06.2020 ZDNet
An autonomous daredevil pushes the limits of flight [ Link ]
24.06.2020 DailyMail
Drones all in a spin! AI algorithm enables quadcopters to perform acrobatic manoeuvres like power loops and barrel rolls autonomously [ Link ]
23.06.2020 Blick
Navigationsalgorithmus der Uni Zurich lehrt Drohnen Kunststücklein [ Link ]
24.06.2020 Robohub
Drones learn acrobatics by themselves [ Link ]
24.06.2020 New Atlas
AI algorithm enables autonomous drones to do barrel rolls and flips [ Link ]
24.06.2020 InceptiveMind
A navigation algorithm enables drones to learn challenging acrobatic maneuvers [ Link ]
17.06.2020 DroneDj
Drones trained to do acrobatics thanks to artificial intelligence [ Link ]
17.06.2020 IEEE Spectrum
Debate on the Future of Robotics Research [ Link ]
12.06.2020 Venture Beat
Researchers train drones to perform flips, rolls, and loops with AI [ Link ]
11.05.2020 Nature
A drone ducks, dips and dives to dodge obstacles in a flash [ Link ]
11.05.2020 Gizmodo
Thrown Rocks Are No Threat to These Drones That Have Mastered Dodgeball [ Link ]
11.05.2020 The RobotReport
Drone detects & avoids obstacles in 3.5 milliseconds [ Link ]
11.05.2020 Robohub
This drone can play dodgeball - and win [ Link ]
11.05.2020 SwissInfo
Zürcher Forscher entwickeln extrem flink ausweichende Drohnen [ Link ]
11.05.2020 20 Minuten
Diese Drohne besiegt uns sogar beim Völkerball [ Link ]
11.05.2020 Blick
Zürcher Forscher entwickeln extrem flink ausweichende Drohnen [ Link ]
11.05.2020 UAS Vision
Quadcopter Can Detect and Avoid Fast-Moving Objects [ Link ]
11.05.2020 Tech Ifeng
Tech Ifeng coverage about our Science Robotics publication [ Link ]
11.05.2020 Sohu
Sohu coverage about our Science Robotics publication [ Link ]
11.05.2020 Drones Magazin
Wie eine Drohne beweglichen Hindernissen ausweichen kann [ PDF ]
16.04.2020 le Scienze Blog
Droni: un aiuto che viene dal cielo [ Link ]
20.03.2020 SRF and 3Sat
This documentary (German only) demonstrates our research on how autonomous drones can be used for search and rescue. (video starts at time 15:50) [ Link ]
09.01.2020 RSI
Radio-Svizzera Italiana about the ERC Grant (starts at 15:30 minutes)[ Link ]
07.01.2020 Lockheed Martin
Lockheed Martin coverage about the Alpha Pilot challenge [ Link ]
04.01.2020 AGEFI
Deux millions pour les drones autonomes suisses [ Link ]
10.12.2019 ERC Grant
RPG awarded 2 million Euros from the European Research Council! [ UZH News ], [ ERC News ]
10.12.2019 UZH News
UZH Drone Wins Silver in International Drone Racing Competition [ Link ]
30.11.2019 Wetten Dass
"Wetten, dass...?" for our work on dodging obstacles [ Link ]
23.11.2019 IEEE Spectrum
Robotic Endoscope Travels Through the Colon [ Link ]
20.11.2019 SRF
Schweizer Drohnen auf amerikanischem Radar [ Link ]
16.11.2019 SRF
Radio Interview (SRF Kultur) in German with Davide Scaramuzza about the AlphaPilot challenge (start at 20:53). [ Link ]
20.10.2019 Tages Anzeiger
Die Drohne, die sich selber faltet [ PDF, Online Article ]
10.10.2019 NASA Tech Briefs
Create the Future: A Drone That Folds to Fit Through Holes and Gaps [ Link ]
13.08.2019 BBC News
Drones are able to change their shape while flying [ Link ]
12.08.2019 Robohub
The future of rescue robotics [ Link ]
27.07.2019 E&T
Evil genius: Fly, my pretties, fly! [ Link ]
27.07.2019 Blick.ch
US-Rüstungskonzern scharf auf Schweizer Drohnentechnologie [ Link ]
27.07.2019 KXAN36News
Drones: University of Zurich at Lockheed-Martin-competition [ Link ]
29.07.2019 NZZ
In der Forschung zu autonom fliegenden Drohnen spielt die Uni Zürich weltweit an vorderster Front mit. Jetzt kann sich deren Robotics-Team an einem internationalen Drohnenrennen in den USA beweisen
[ Link ] [ PDF Front Page ] [ PDF Article ]
12.07.2019 SwissInfo
A Zurich, dans le fief suisse des Prix Nobel [ Link ]
09.07.2019 Engadget
Watch super slow-mo video from a camera with human-like vision [ Link ]
09.07.2019 PetaPixel
Scientists Use Camera with Human-Like Vision to Capture 5,400 fps Video [ Link ]
14.06.2019 UZH News
Drone Olympiad Ready for Takeoff [ Link ]
04.06.2019 IEEE Spectrum
To Fly Solo, Racing Drones Have a Need for AI Speed Training [ Link ]
29.05.2019 BBC
Tech gives drone the ability to avoid mid-air crashes [ Link ]
20.05.2019 Tech Briefs
Drone Uses Event Camera to Dodge Soccer Balls Thrown At It [ Link ]
26.05.2019 AUVSI
University of Zurich researchers develop drone that can autonomously dodge objects thrown at it [ Link ]
26.05.2019 UAV.org
Zurich Researchers Teach Drone to Dodge with Dynamic Obstacle Avoidance [ Link ]
26.05.2019 Drone-Zone.de
Du triffst nicht! - Drohne weicht automatisch Bällen aus [ Link ]
22.05.2019 PR Newswire
Lockheed Martin and Drone Racing League Announce 2019 AlphaPilot Teams [ Link ]
17.05.2019 Digital Trends
Watch this drone dodge an incoming soccer ball autonomously [ Link ]
17.05.2019 BoingBoing.net
Watch this drone dodge soccer balls hurled at it [ Link ]
16.05.2019 La Repubblica
L'intervista - Davide Scaramuzza: "Ma devono imparare a muoversi da soli" [ Link ]
16.05.2019 Business Insider
Watch this self-piloting drone effortlessly dodge a soccer ball being thrown at it in real-time [ Link ]
16.05.2019 CBS
This drone would be great at dodge-ball [ Link ]
16.05.2019 Fox News
Watch an autonomous drone dodge thrown objects [ Link ]
16.05.2019 PCMag
Watch an Autonomous Drone Dodge Thrown Objects [ Link ]
16.05.2019 SFGate
Watch this self-piloting drone effortlessly dodge a soccer ball being thrown at it in real-time [ Link ]
16.05.2019 CNET
Watch this drone dodge a ball [ Link ]
16.05.2019 Drone Life
Zurich Researchers Teach Drone to Dodge with Dynamic Obstacle Avoidance [ Link ]
16.05.2019 The Verge
Watch an autonomous drone dodge, duck, dip, dive, and dodge a football [ Link ]
13.05.2019 IEEE Spectrum
Event Camera Helps Drone Dodge Thrown Objects [ Link ]
07.05.2019 Reuters
Europe's Most Innovative Universities 2019 [ Link ]
27.03.2019 The New York Times
A.I. Is Flying Drones (Very, Very Slowly) [ Link ]
28.02.2019 Business Insider Italia
Lockheed Martin lancia la corsa piú pazza del mondo 2.0: in palio 2 milioni di dollari per il drone 100% autonomo piú veloce [ Link ]
28.02.2019 UZH Journal
Faltbare und lernbereite Drohnen [ Link ]
27.02.2019 IEEE Innovate
Neural Network Teaches Drones to Navigate Cities Autonomously [ Link ]
18.02.2019 CNBC
Self-folding drone could speed up search and rescue missions [ Link ]
19.01.2019 Tages Anzeiger
Flughafen Zürich baut Drohnenschutz aus [ Link ]
02.01.2019 HWZ Hochschule
Drohne kommt überall durch [ Link ]
20.12.2018 The Verge
A shape-shifting drone suggests the future of rescue missions [ Link ]
19.12.2018 Il Fatto Quotidiano
Il drone da soccorso che piega le ali come gli uccelli e cerca le persone scomparse nelle zone disastrate [ Link ]
18.12.2018 Tech Briefs
Foldable Drone Flies through Narrow Holes for Rescue Missions [ Link ]
16.12.2018 Robohub
A new drone can change its shape to fly through a narrow gap [ Link ]
14.12.2018 TechCrunch
This drone shrinks to fit [ Link ]
14.12.2018 CNET
Foldable drone can fit through tight spaces [ Link ]
14.12.2018 Arduino.cc
Drone morphs into the perfect shape in mid-air [ Link ]
14.12.2018 Drone Life
Agile Drones that Fold to get Through Tight Spaces [ Link ]
14.12.2018 ANSA
Il drone uccello, cambia forma in volo[ Link ]
14.12.2018 La Repubblica
Droni con 'ali pieghevoli' per passare ovunque[ Link ]
14.12.2018 Libero.it
Drone pieghevole, cambia forma in volo [ Link ]
14.12.2018 Drone Life
Agile Drones that Fold to get Through Tight Spaces [ Link ]
14.12.2018 Gadgets Now
This foldable drone can squeeze through narrow gaps [ Link ]
14.12.2018 Tages Anzeiger
Diese Drohne kommt überall durch [ Link ]
14.12.2018 AS.com
Este dron puede encogerse y agrandarse en pleno vuelo [ Link ]
13.12.2018 IEEE Spectrum
Foldable Drone Changes Its Shape in Mid-Air [ Link ]
13.12.2018 Popular Mechanics
This Foldable Drone Is a Flying Transformer [ Link ]
13.12.2018 The Economic Times
New foldable drone can squeeze through narrow gaps [ Link ]
13.12.2018 10 Daily
Foldable Drone Could Help Find Survivors Of Natural Disasters [ Link ]
13.12.2018 Microsiervos
Un cuadricoptero que se pliega en el aire para entrar en sitios estrechos[ Link ]
13.12.2018 Financial Express
New foldable drone can squeeze through narrow gaps [ Link ]
13.12.2018 RTS
Des chercheurs suisses developpent un drone capable de replier ses ailes [ Link ]
12.12.2018 ScienceDaily
New foldable drone flies through narrow holes in rescue missions [ Link ]
12.12.2018 Technology.org
New Foldable Drone Flies through Narrow Holes in Rescue Missions [ Link ]
12.12.2018 Tech Explorist
New foldable drone flies through narrow holes in rescue missions [ Link ]
12.12.2018 RSI
Un drone... pieghevole [ Link ]
12.12.2018 SlashGear
Folding rescue drone can transform its shape while in the air [ Link ]
12.12.2018 20 minutes
Un drone pliable pour des missions de sauvetage [ Link ]
12.12.2018 ComputerWorld
Drohne fliegt durch enge Löcher [ Link ]
12.12.2018 Blick
Drohne macht sich klein für Flug durch enge Spalten und Löcher [ Link ]
12.12.2018 Netzwoche
Neue faltbare Drohne fliegt durch enge Löcher zu Einsturzopfern [ Link ]
12.12.2018 Watson
Diese Drohnen machen sich klein für Flug durch enge Spalten und Löcher [ Link ]
06.12.2018 Swissinfo
UZH collaborations with the US military [ Link ]
30.08.2018Neue Zurcher Zeitung
Wie Robotikprofessor Scaramuzza Erdbebenopfern mit Drohnen helfen will [ Link ]
28.08.2018Switzerland Innovation Park
Grundlagen fuer schnellere autonome Drohnen im Hangar 3 getestet [ Link ]
16.08.2018SRF - 10Vor10
Maschinen unter uns: KI bei der Rettungsarbeit [ Link ]
07.08.2018Swiss Federal Office for Defence Procurement
Swiss Robotics - Use in disaster relief in the future [ Link ]
An der Orientierung in unübersichtlichem Gelände scheitert die künstliche Intelligenz regelmässig - doch kristallisiert sich hier eine Lösung heraus [ Link ]
27.07.2018 SwissInfo.ch
After an earthquake, drones to the rescue? [ Link ]
Curious about drones? Here are the basics [ Link ]
Delivery drones can learn to see and dodge obstacles in-flight [ Link ]
Facebook baut in Zuerich weiter aus [ Link ]
01.07.2018Optics & Photonics
Rise of the Robots [ Link ]
Drones Just Learned to Fly Solo, Which Means Pro Racers May Soon Meet Their Match [ Link ]
14.06.2018UZH Magazin
Lernen im Flug [ Link ]
31.05.2018Qualcomm Innovation Fellowship
Qualcomm Announces the Winners of the European Qualcomm Innovation Fellowship Program [ Link ]
16.05.2018 FudZilla
Boffins create low-powered drones which don’t need humans [ Link ]
16.05.2018 The Register
Boffins build smallest drone to fly itself with AI [ Link ]
14.05.2018 SiliconANGLE
Crossing the uncanny valley without losing our grip on AI’s value [ Link ]
14.05.2018 SPIE Digital Library
Autonomous agile vision-controlled drones: from frame to event vision [ Link ]
Qualcomm Announces the Winners of the European Qualcomm Innovation Fellowship Program [ Link ]
UZH Annual Report [ Link ]
Il drone impara... le dure regole della strada [ Link ]
11.04.2018Robotics and Automation News
Dynamic vision sensors and event cameras could reduce machine perception's computing workload [ Link ]
02.04.2018Business Insider Italia
Le aziende spiano i nostri selfie sui social per capire che marchi usiamo e creare nuovi prodotti [ Link ]
01.04.2018Unmanned Systems Technology
UAV highway safety code [ Link ]
14.02.2018La Repubblica
Tra alberi e palazzi ora il drone fa lo slalom [ Link ]
26.01.2018Drone Life
DroNet Algorithm Learns From Traffic to Navigate City Streets [ Link ]
26.01.2018The Robot Report
DroNet Teaches Drones to Autonomously Navigate Cities [ Link ]
Autonomous high flying drones learn to navigate by watching traffic below [ Link ]
Zürcher Algorithmus lenkt Drohnen sicher durch die Stadt [ Link ]
25.01.2018IEEE Spectrum
AI-Powered Drone Mimics Cars and Bikes to Navigate Through City Streets [ Link ]
24.01.2018Tages Anzeiger
Diese Drohne lernt durch Imitation [ Link ]
So kommen Drohnen sicher durch die Stadt [ Link ]
24.01.2018Digital Trends
The DroNet algorithm teaches drones to navigate city streets like cars [ Link ]
Drones learn to navigate autonomously by imitating cars and bicycles [ Link ]
23.01.2018Science Daily
Drones learn to navigate autonomously by imitating cars and bicycles [ Link ]
23.01.2018Alpha Galileo
Drones learn to navigate autonomously by imitating cars and bicycles [ Link ]
Drones learn to navigate autonomously by imitating cars and bicycles [ Link ]
Zürcher Algorithmus lenkt Drohnen sicher durch die Stadt [ Link ]
23.01.2018ORF Science
So kommen Drohnen sicher durch die Stadt [ Link ]
Zürcher Algorithmus lenkt Drohnen sicher durch die Stadt [ Link ]
Drohne lernt von Fahrradfahrern [ Link ]
Drones Learn To Navigate Autonomously By Imitating Cars And Bicycles [ Link ]
23.01.2018Blick am Abend
Sicher durch die Stadt [ Link ]
23.01.201820 Minuten
Uni macht Drohnenflüge sicherer [ Link ]
14.12.2017NCCR Robotics
Integrative Demo of Aerial and Terrestrial Robots for Rescue Missions 1st November 2017[ Link ]
01.12.2017IEEE Spectrum
Video Friday: Pepper at Work, Robot Muscles, and NASA's Next Rover[ Link ]
Bio-inspired retina allows drones to almost see in the dark with no motion blur[ Link ]
Drones can almost see in the dark [ Link ]
26.09.2017Wwwhat's New
Drones que ven en la oscuridad usando retinas artificiales [ Link ]
25.09.2017IEEE Spectrum
Drone With Event Camera Takes First Autonomous Flight [ Link ]
La camara militar que permitira a los drones autonomos 'ver' en la oscuridad [ Link ]
Autonomous drones can now almost 'see in the dark' with this new camera [ Link ]
24.09.2017Sputnik International
Researchers Give Drones Almost-Human Sight: Tech Could Allow for non-GPS Use [ Link ]
Zurich: des drones capables de s'orienter par faible visibilite' [ Link ]
Des drones pour faciliter la recherche de disparus? [ Link ]
21.09.2017Research & Development
Drones That Can Almost See in the Dark [ Link ]
21.09.2017Tribune de Geneve
Des drones pour faciliter la recherche de disparus? [ Link ]
21.09.2017Le Matin
Zurich Des drones pour faciliter la recherche de disparus? [ Link ]
21.09.201724 Heures
Des drones pour faciliter la recherche de disparus? [ Link ]
21.09.2017Defense One
Swiss Researchers Invent Way to Let Mini Drones See in the Dark [ Link ]
Drohnen fuer die Suche nach Vermissten - auch bei wenig Licht [ Link ]
Drones can almost see in the dark [ Link ]
Drones can almost see in the dark [ Link ]
20.09.2017Wallstreet Online
Drohne mit Event-Kamera sieht auch in der Nacht [ Link ]
06.10.2017ICT Journal
Les robots du futur auront des yeux suisses [ Link ]
31.08.2017Tages Anzeiger
Scientifica - Fragen Und Antworten [ Link ]
10.02.2017Discovery Channel Canada
Collaborative Transport with Multiple MAVs [ Link ]
10.02.2016SRF Tagesschau
"Fliegende Spuerhunde" [ Link ]
Newspapers & Magazines
19.11.2016International Federation of Robotics
2016 World Robotics report
19.09.2016Alumni Magazine
"Autonomous Vision-based Navigation" [ Link ]
01.05.2016Science & Vie
"Les premiers drones à pouvoir se repérer tout seuls en forêt" [ Link ]
01.05.2016Technology Review
"Drohnen: Mehr Autonomie wagen" [ Link ]
"Was koennen Roboter heute eigentlich alles?" [ Link ]
13.12.2016Digital Trends
"Daredevil Drones Can Navigate Narrow Gaps at High Speed" [ Link ]
09.12.2016MIT Technology Review
"Watch This Robotic Quadcopter Fly Aggressively Through Narrow Gaps" [ Link ]
"Drone flight through narrow gaps using onboard sensing and computing" [ Link ]
28.09.2016DIY Drones
"PX4-based "aggressive quadcopter" navigates gaps with pure autonomy" [ Link ]
28.09.2016IEEE Spectrum
"Aggressive Quadrotors Conquer Gaps With Ultimate Autonomy" [ Link ]
16.05.2016Sensefly Waypoint
"A Question of Perception (Pt 2) - Talking Robo-Collaboration & Future Challenges & More with Prof. Scaramuzza" [ Link ]
18.04.2016Sensefly Waypoint
"A Question of Perception - Talking Autonomous Robot Navigation with Prof. Davide Scaramuzza" [ Link ]
05.04.2016NVIDIA GTC 2016
"Introduction of Opening Keynote (1:27-1:34)" [ Link ]
31.03.2016SPARC Robotics
"Why making robots is still hard" [ Link ]
"The Digital Revolution in Partnership with Deloitte" [ Link ]
12.02.2016Discovery Channel Canada
"Autonomous search-and-rescue drones outperform humans at navigating forest trails" [ Link ]
11.02.2016The Verge
"Autonomous search-and-rescue drones outperform humans at navigating forest trails" [ Link ]
"This drone uses AI to find its way through a forest" [ Link ]
11.02.2016IEEE Spectrum
"AAAI Video Highlights: Drones Navigating Forests and Robot Boat Swarms" [ Link ]
10.02.2016NBC News
"Trail-Following Drones Could Locate and Guide Lost Hikers" [ Link ]
"These Rescue Drones Search Forest Trails Like Robot Rangers" [ Link ]
10.02.2016The Washington Times
"Swiss researchers develop rescue drone that navigates forest trails better than a human" [ Link ]
"Drones recognise and follow forest trails in search of lost people" [ Link ]
10.02.2016Popular Mechanics
"New Software Turns Drones into Bloodhounds that Could Track You Through the Woods" [ Link ]
7.07.2015SRF 10vor10
"Post aus der Luft" [ Link ]
"Mit der Drohne ueber die Teppich-Stadt" [ Link ]
09.04.2015The Times of India
"New technology makes drones safer, smarter" [ Link ]
08.04.2015Bangalore Mirror
"Just toss it in the air and this drone will take off, land itself" [ Link ]
"Forscher ruesten Drohnen zu «Seiltaenzern» um" [ Link ]
30.03.201520 Minuten
"Forscher ruesten Drohnen zu Luftakrobaten auf" [ Link ]
"Autonomous Vision-Controled Flying Robots (in German)" [ PDF ]
"Wenn Drohnen mit eigenen Augen fliegen" [ Link ]
15.04.2015Robotics Business Review
"Swiss Team Develops Self-Stabilizing Drones" [ Link ]
14.04.2015IEEE Spectrum
"You Can Launch This Quadrotor by Throwing It in the Air" [ Link ]
10.04.2015Futura Sciences
"Un drone qui se stabilise comme un funambule" [ Link ]
09.04.2015De Ingenieur
"Full-safe drone" [ Link ]
08.04.2015Scientific Computing
"New Technology Making Drones Safer and Smarter" [ Link ]
"New technology keeps drones from crashing and burning" [ Link ]
"System allows hampered drones to regain control and land safely" [ Link ]
"Zuercher Forscher macht Drohnen zu 'Seiltaenzern'" [ Link ]
"Zuercher Forscher ruesten Drohnen zu Luftakrobaten auf" [ Link ]
"Quadrotor automatically recovers from failure or aggressive launch, without GPS" [ Link ]
"Attack of the drones! Palm-sized machines and self-flying vehicles go on display in Germany" [ Link ]
05.03.2015UZH News
"Flying with Drones" [ Link ]
27.02.2015youBot Newsletter
"Aerial-guided navigation of the youBot" [ Link ]
"Ground-Flight collaboration" [ Link ]
"Drones Under Control" [ Link ]
"Die 50 wichtigsten Fragen" [ PDF ] [ Link ]
"Labor für künstliche Intelligenz der UZH geschlossen" [ Link ]
"Die schlauste Drohne der Welt kommt aus Zuerich" [ Link ]
12.06.2014Augsburger Allgemeine
"Quadrocopter steuert aus der Luft Robotereinsatz" [ Link ]
"KUKA Innovation Award verliehen" [ Link ]
Public Exhibitions
22.10.2014NCCR Site visit, Lausanne
[ Video ]
01.12.2014UZH News
"Die gute Drohne" [ Link ]
07.10.2014IEEE Spectrum
"Dynamic Vision Sensors Enable High-Speed Maneuvers With Robots" [ Link ]
"Research Group from University of Zurich wins KUKA Innovation Award" [ Link ]
05.06.2014UZH News
"Erster Preis fuer Zuercher Flugroboter" [ Link ]
01.06.2014SPARC Robotics
"Stories of Success: Enabling researchers to innovate in small scale for the factory of the future" [ Link ]
30.05.2014MIT News
"Think fast, robot" [ Link ]
07.11.2013Arte X:enius
"Drohnen - Nuetzliches Werkzeug oder toedliche Waffe?" [ German ] [ French ] [ Link ]
29.04.2013RTS nouvo
"Des drones pour sauver des vies" [ Link ]
13.05.2014Neue Luzerner Zeitung
"Drohnen: Die Vielfalt scheint unbegrenzt" [ PDF ]
03.12.201320 Minuten
"Amazon-Drohne hebt noch lange nicht ab" [ PDF ]
29.08.2013Die Zeit
"Die fliegenden Kuriere" [ Link ]
"Der Spion vor deinem Fenster" [ PDF ]
02.12.2013Radio 24 Tag
"Amazon revolutioniert Bestellservice" [ MP3 ]
31.08.2013Regionaljournal ZH/SH, SRF 1
"Fuer den Kriseneinsatz: Uni Zuerich zeigt Roboter-Duo" [ MP3 ] [ Link ]
Public Exhibitions
23.-25.10.2013tunZurich, Zurich
[ Link ]
31.08.-01.09.2013Scientifica, Zurich
20,000 visitors [ Link ]
09.03.2013Robots on Tour, Zurich
4,000 visitors [ Link ]
31.03.2013IEEE Spectrum
"UZH Wishes Us All a Happy Robot Easter" [ Link ]
"Robots Save Easter After Negligent Bunny Makes A Mess Of Everything" [ Link ]
"Die Dressur der Drohnen" [ PDF ]
01.09.2012MIT Technology Review Magazine
"Roboter fliegen mit Teamgeist" [ Link ]
"Autonomous Flying Robots" [ Link ]
03.05.2012IEEE Spectrum
"sFly Quadrotors Navigate Outdoors All By Themselves" [ Link ]
Video Highlights
July 13, 2022
Our lab is featured on the Italian RAI1 TV program SuperQuark. Watch the full video report about our research on autonomous drones, from drone racing to search and rescue, from standard to event cameras. The video is in Italian with English subtitles.
July 1, 2022
We are excited to announce our RA-L paper which tackles minimum-time flight in cluttered environments using a combination of deep reinforcement learning and classical topological path planning. We show that the approach outperforms the state-of-the-art in both planning quality and the ability to fly without collisions at high speeds. For more details, check out the paper and the YouTube.
June 26, 2022
June 13, 2022
October 15, 2021
Watch our drone flying at high speeds through cluttered environments! Read our Learning High-Speed Flight in the Wild paper for further details.
July 21, 2021
Watch our drone flying very agile acrobatics maneuvers! Read our Time-Optimal Planning for Quadrotor Waypoint Flight paper for further details.
June 11, 2020
Watch our drone flying very agile acrobatics maneuvers! Read our Deep Drone Acrobatics paper for further details.
March 18, 2020
Watch our drone play dodgeball using an event camera! Read our Science Robotics paper for further details.
Jan 14, 2020
Watch how an event camera is used to reconstruct video at arbitrary frame rate and thus observe fast phenomena. Video reconstruction is done using a recurrent neural network trained only in sumulation! Read our T-PAMI paper for further details.
Oct 7, 2019
Watch how we taught a drone to race autonomously a track which it never saw before! The system runs fully onboard and is powered by a neural network trained on a non-photorealistic simulator, which was deployed on the real drone without any fine tuning! Read our T-RO paper for further details.
Oct 1, 2019
Watch this 27 gram nano drone avoid obstacles using a neural netowrk running on a 63mW Parallel Ultra Low Ppower Processor! Read our IEEE IoT journal paper for further details.
February 1, 2019
We analyzed the role of perception latency in dynamic obstacle avoidance, and evaluated our analysis using an event-camera. Read the paper for further details.
December 13, 2018
We present the first foldable drone that can guarantee stable flight with any configuration. It can squeeze to fly through narrow gaps. Read the paper for further details.
December 6, 2018
We release the code of Perception-Aware Model Predictive Control (PAMPC). PAMPC allows drones to navigate trajectory while keeping the visibility of a point of interest (a gate, a gap, texture). Paper.
October 16, 2018
We combined deep networks, local VIO, Kalman filtering, and optimal control to achieve ultimate speed for autonomous drone racing. Paper describing the approach.
October 3, 2018
Our performance at the IROS'18 Autonomous Drone Race Competition, where we won the 1st place passing all 8 gates in just 30 seconds and outracing the 2nd placing team by a factor of 2! We combined deep networks, local VIO, Kalman filtering, and optimal control. Paper describing the approach.
June 18, 2018
Event cameras allow predicting the steering angle of a car more robustly and accurately at night and high dynamic range scenes than a standard camera. Paper.
March 23, 2018
Watch the first ever autonomous quadrotor flight with an event camera using our UltimateSLAM. RAL'18 paper.
March 22, 2018
UltimateSLAM combines, images events, and IMU to achieve the ultimate visual SLAM performance: up to 85% accuracy improvement over VIO with standard cameras! Paper. Project webpage
January 23, 2018
DroNet is a Deep Neural Network architecture that makes drones able to fly autonomously and safely in the streets of a city, among other vehicles, by imitating the behavior of cars and bicycles! Video, Paper, Datasets.
May 19, 2017
Check out our latest work on active exposure control for robust visual odometry in high dynamic range environments: ICRA'17 paper.
April 4, 2017
We release the first public, large-scale dataset recorded with a drone in an urban environment at low altitudes (5-15m). Dataset here.
December 20, 2016
Check out our latest work, EVO, on Event-based, 6-DOF Parallel Tracking and Mapping in Real-time: RA-L'16 paper.
September 27, 2016
Check out our latest work on agile quadrotor flight through narrow gaps with onboard sensing and computing: More info here.
September 12, 2016
Check out our latest work on Event-based Multi-View Stereo, which uses a single, continuously moving event camera for accurate 3D reconstruction! BMVC'16 paper.
February 10, 2016
We used Deep Neural Networks to teach our drones to recognize and follow forest trails to search for missing people. Journal Paper. More info.
May 25, 2016
Our active volumetric reconstruction software framework is now released open source. More details in our ICRA'16 paper.
March 30, 2015
Our latest work on failure recovery from aggressive flight and how to launch a quadrotor by throwing it in the air! ICRA'15 paper.
March 30, 2015
Our latest work on autonomous landing-site detection and landing with onboard monocular vision! ICRA'15 paper.
February 1, 2015
To celebrate our lab's 3-year anniversary, we summarize in this clip our main achievements, projects, awards, exhibitions, and upcoming videos!
October 24, 2014
Our latest work on Aerial-guided Navigation of a Ground Robot among Movable Obstacles. More details in our SSRR'14 paper.
September 15, 2014
Our latest work on event-based vision: 6-DOF Pose Tracking for High-Speed Maneuvers. More details in our IROS'14 paper.
September 6, 2014
Our quadrotor demo trailer: autonomous navigation, live dense 3D reconstruction, and collaborative grasping.
June 6, 2014
Our demo at the KUKA Innovation Award that shows the collaboration of flying and ground robots for search-and-rescue missions
February 25, 2014
Autonomous Vision-based Flight over a Disaster Zone using SVO (more details)
February 19, 2014
SVO - our new visual odometry pipeline for MAV state estimation. More details in our ICRA'14 paper.
February 19, 2014
Our latest work on probabilistic, monocular dense reconstruction in real time. More details in our ICRA'14 paper.
November 20, 2013
RPG was featured on the German-French TV channel ARTE in their science programme X:enius. The French version is available here.
August 7, 2013
Watch the video for our new IROS'13 paper "Collaborative Monocular SLAM with Multiple Micro Aerial Vehicles".
October 25, 2012
Autonomous Vision-Controlled Micro Flying Robots: Davide Scaramuzza at TEDxZurich.