IEEE/RSJ IROS'13 International Workshop on
Vision-based Closed-Loop Control and Navigation of
Micro Helicopters in GPS-denied Environments
November 7, 2013 - Room 607 - Tokyo Big Sight, Japan

09:00 | Welcome |
09:05 | The Role of Computer Vision for Autonomous Quadrotor MAVs Friedrich Fraundorfer, Lionel Heng, Marc Pollefeys - TU Munich and ETH Zurich |
09:35 | Vision Based Navigation, Grasping and Localization for Micro Aerial Vehicles Giuseppe Loianno and Vijay Kumar - University of Pennsylnavia |
10:05 | Optic-Flow Based Control of a 46g Quadrotor Adrien Briod, Jean-Christophe Zufferey, Dario Floreano - EPFL INCLUDES FLIGHT DEMONSTRATION |
10:25 | Poster and Coffee Session |
11:00 | Sensing and actuating with unmanned aerial vehicles; from single to networked systems Fernando Caballero and Anibal Ollero - University of Seville |
11:30 | Next Generation Autonomous Micro Helicopters Stephan Weiss and Larry Matthies - California Institute of Technology |
12:00 | Air-ground Collaboration, Dense Mapping, and Aggressive Manueuvers: Challenges and Next Generation Sensors Davide Scaramuzza - University of Zurich INCLUDES FLIGHT DEMONSTRATION |
12:30 | Lunch |
13:30 | Image Based Visual Control of Aerial Robotic Vehicles Robert Mahony - The Australian National University |
14:00 | High-speed Monocular Vision for Close-quarters Flying Inkyu Sa and Peter Corke - Queensland University of Technology |
14:30 | Closing the MAV navigation loop: from control to localization and path-planning Markus Achtelik, Sammy Omari, Roland Siegwart - ETH Zurich INCLUDES SENSOR DEMONSTRATION |
15:00 | Poster and Coffee Session |
15:30 | Vision-Based Bilateral Shared Control and Autonomous Flight for Single and Multiple quadrotor UAVs Paolo Robuffo Giordano - CNRS at IRISA and INRIA Rennes Bretagne Atlantique, France |
16:00 | RGB-D based Haptic Teleoperation of UAVs with Onboard Sensors: Development and Preliminary Results Antonio Franchi, Paolo Stegagno, Massimo Basile, Heinrich H. Buelthoff - Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics |
16:20 | Demo of Fotokite: the Flying Steadycam Sergei Lupashin - ETH Zurich and University of Zurich INCLUDES FLIGHT DEMONSTRATION |
16:30 | Panel Discussion |
Poster Session
The poster sessions will be held during the coffee breaks
- Smartphone Quadrotor Flight Controllers and Algorithms for Autonomous Flight
Tyler Ryan, H. Jin Kim - Seoul National University
- Neural sensorimotor primitives for vision-controlled flying robots
Oswald Berthold, Verena V. Hafner - Humboldt University of Berlin
- Monocular Parallel Tracking and Mapping with Odometry Fusion for MAV Navigation in Feature-lacking Environments
Duy-Nguyen Ta, Kyel Ok, Frank Dellaert - Georgia Institute of Technology
- Davide Scaramuzza, (main organizer) University of Zurich, Switzerland
- Friedrich Fraundorfer, TU Munich, Germany
- Robert Mahony, The Australian National University, Australia
- Vijay Kumar, University of Pennsylvania, USA
As of today, perception and control are still often studied separately. Several research labs around the world have built flying-robot testbeds, where multiple quadrotors demonstrate impressive acrobatics and perform cooperative tasks. However, these systems work under the glowing eyes of motion-capture systems. They are robust, reliable, and allow researchers to focus on control strategies, ignoring the issues of perception. However, for truly autonomous navigation, onboard sensors are the only viable solution. Laser range finders are robust, accurate and reliable, regardless of most environment conditions, although they are still too heavy, cumbersome, and consume too much power. Kinect-like depth sensors are becoming more common in the aerial-robot community, although they are still limited to indoor environments and have restricted field of view. Passive vision sensors, such as monocular or stereo systems, have proved to be an ideal complement to range sensors and some autonomous-flight demonstrations have recently been achieved using just cameras.
The goal of this workshop is to bring together state-of-the-art research in the area of closed-loop control and navigation of micro helicopters in indoor and outdoor GPS-denied environments using passive and active vision sensors (monocular, stereo, RGB-D) as the main sensory modality. The workshop will feature invited talks from recognized experts in the field and peer-reviewed paper presentations.
Program Committee Members
- Jonathan Kelly, MIT
- Sebastian Scherer, CMU
- Margarita Chli, ETH Zurich
- Simon Lacroix, CNRS
- Andreas Wendel, TU Gratz/Google
- Paolo Robuffo Giordano, CNRS at IRISA and INRIA Rennes Bretagne Atlantique, France
- Juergen Sturm, TU Munich